You will finally be able to create your anime with this AI

You will finally be able to create your anime with this AI

The recent introduction of Sora, OpenAI's text-to-video model, has sparked both excitement and concern in the tech and art community. The ability to generate videos up to a minute long based on simple text instructions has sparked the imagination of many, but it has also stoked debate about the impact this technology could have on the art world and ethics in general.

  • Command: The beautiful, snowy city of Tokyo is buzzing with activity. The camera pans around the bustling city street, following several people enjoying the beautiful snowy weather and shopping at nearby stalls. Beautiful sakura petals fly in the wind along with snowflakes.

On the one hand, artists fear that these generative artificial intelligences will eventually replace their creative abilities. The possibility that an AI can create complex videos with just a few words could threaten the exclusivity and value of human labor in the field of animation and filmmaking. In addition, there are fears that the proliferation of this technology will lead to a homogenization of creativity, where works of art are mass-produced by algorithms rather than being genuine expressions of the human imagination.

However, the concerns go beyond the artistic realm. The rise of technologies like Sora raises serious ethical questions, especially when it comes to deepfakes. These false and realistic portrayals of people can be used to spread disinformation, damage the reputations of individuals, or manipulate public opinion. The ability to create compelling videos of events that never happened or of people saying things they never said poses significant challenges to the integrity of information and democracy itself.

  • Command: A litter of golden retriever puppies playing in the snow. Their heads stick out of the snow, covered with it.

The Federal Trade Commission's proposed rules to ban the creation of AI prints of real people is a step in the right direction to address these concerns. However, it remains to be seen whether these regulations will be enough to contain the harmful potential of generative technology.

OpenAI has recognized the risks associated with its new technology and is taking steps to mitigate them. The company is developing tools to detect Sora-generated videos and plans to include metadata indicating its origin if the model is made available for public use. In addition, they are collaborating with experts to assess the risks of the technology in terms of misinformation, harmful content, and bias.

  • Command: Reflections in the window of a train traveling through the suburbs of Tokyo.

Ultimately, while generative AIs like Sora offer exciting potential for creativity and innovation, it's crucial to address their ethical and societal implications. Effective regulation and accountability of development companies are critical to ensuring that these technologies are used ethically and responsibly for the benefit of society as a whole:

  • "It's amazing what has been accomplished in a matter of years."
  • "So will it be possible to see Kanna Hashimoto doing it in a doggy position from a first-person perspective?"
  • "The AI industry is taking the final stabs at artists' creativity."
  • "It's like an Unreal Engine, but it's unstable."
  • "The age of AI has indeed begun, now it will only get better."
  • "Well, I guess the dream of becoming an artist is over, I guess I'll become a YouTuber and make videos throwing Mentos at Coca-Cola."
  • "I think soon AIs will make video games or movies, the world is over for creators and artists."
  • "There will probably only be three jobs left in the future, such as AI engineer, psychological counselor and construction worker."
  • "Technology is advancing very fast, so it's only a matter of time before it overtakes humans. Eventually everyone will have no choice but to use AIs, so those anti-AI idiots will swallow their words. They just don't want the world to take its course, so I recommend that you delete your comments so you don't get ridiculed."
  • "Seriously, virtual reality is looking less and less impossible."
  • "It seems like you need GPU brutality just to generate the video. Even watching it, I can hear mine crying."

Source: Yaraon!